30 Days of Catch: Day 13 with Carley and Evie Garrison

by | Aug 14, 2023 | 30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger, Pastor's Blog

With fans watching and the crowd cheering, we played our game of catch on day 13 of my 30 days of catch. Now I realize that the crowd was cheering for the Indianapolis Indians playing behind us, but the fans watching were all church kids and a few parents squeezing together in the shrinking shade avoiding the hot August sunlight. Not only did I enjoy a game of catch at Victory Field, home of our local Triple-A club, the Indianapolis Indians, but we got to take in a ballgame too. 

Today I played with two up-and-coming softball players who are sisters, Carley, a 5th grader, and Evie, a 2nd grader. We found a perfect spot in front of the giant screen in the outfield in the lawn area. The only challenge was not hitting the Ball State Field Hockey team with a softball as they were sitting right behind me. While we successfully avoided the college team, our ball may have rolled toward a few unsuspecting Nashville Sounds fans, which I was surprised to see even though we were playing the Sounds this weekend. 

It was great to split my game of catch with Carley and Evie. Carley has played 3 years of softball. She plays every spring at Skiles Test Softball and currently plays fall ball in the Allisonville Youth Softball League. She told me that she could have thrown the ball harder, but didn’t want to hit the college girls with the ball or our growing crowd of church kids who gathered for the game. She was right! I’m sure she took it easy on me. 

Evie switched in after a few minutes of catch. She just finished her first season of softball, so she was proud and excited for every catch. I loved that! During my 13 days of catch so far, I have forgotten to be excited for every catch. I take every catch for granted until I drop a few. This was such a good reminder to celebrate the smallest of victories. Celebrate every catch! 

At the end, it was catch-playing mayhem as all the church kids jumped in. Luckily no one was hit by a ball and everyone survived the outfield game of catch during an active professional game in progress. 

Carley and Evie reminded me to enjoy and celebrate every catch! Even if you can only find a small spot of grass in the outfield under the sun and just below a giant scoreboard. Even if it’s over 90 degrees and sunny. Even if you miss a few catches, be thankful for every second! 

Carley and Evie also reminded me of the joy of generosity. Earlier this summer, they set up a lemonade stand to support this fundraiser. A few Sundays ago, they came into church with an envelope with $43.50. It was the best donation given! And it was a great game of catch at the ole’ ballgame this afternoon! 

A quick update on the financial fundraiser for Gleaners. As of this afternoon, we are over $16,000. It’s really amazing! Thank you to everyone who has donated, played catch with me, and shared my fundraiser with others! I’m overwhelmed with the generosity of so many who helped to shatter my original goal of $15,420. 

I think it’s time to increase the goal to $20,000. Is that too much? Why not? Let’s keep it going! 

If you feel moved to share a financial donation for my Gleaners fundraiser, use the link below. 


Get outside. Play catch. Find something that brings joy and a smile to your face. 

Thank you for supporting Gleaners and following my 30 days of catch!