30 Days of Catch: Day 16 with Bill Stoltenberg

by | Aug 16, 2023 | 30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger, Pastor's Blog

Today was a game of firsts. I played with my first “southpaw,” or left-handed thrower. Bill Stoltenberg grew up, raised his family, and lives right here in northeast Indianapolis. I was delighted to receive his email when I first started advertising my fundraising catch campaign. He said that he subscribes to the North Shadeland Alliance newsletter and read about my campaign, so he decided to email to ask if we could play catch! The answer is always yes to a game of catch! 

It was great to meet Bill for the first time this morning for our game of catch and immediately see that he is a fellow Cubs fan with his Cubs shirt and classic “C” hat. As I shared with him, I have played with Reds fans, Cardinals fans, among other team loyalties, but I always appreciate a fellow Cubs fan. I asked if he had ever been to Wrigley. He and his son had gone once a year for nearly 20 years before the pandemic. I hope they get that tradition going again in the future. Maybe I could start that same tradition with my boys. 

Bill grew up playing baseball through high school but has recently picked the glove back up to play with his grandkids. In fact, he had to buy a new glove since he lost his old one. There’s something special about our kids or grandkids pulling us into play, fun, and joy. That’s what my boys often do for me and that’s what Bill’s grandkids have done for him. 

All of his grandkids have attended preschool at CUMNS Kids, which is at my church, Castleton UMC, and is where my son Luke attends. That was another great connection to make. I did write earlier that this was a game of firsts. It was my first game of catch with a southpaw and a Lutheran, which is great. Again, baseball brings people together! I actually didn’t even realize that Bill was a southpaw until about halfway through our game then realized something was different. We both kind of laughed about that. I only have gloves for right-handers so I’m glad Bill brought a glove! 

What a great way to get to know a new friend in the neighborhood! We both enjoyed our game of catch, getting to know one another, and supporting Gleaners on a beautiful August morning.  

A quick update on the financial fundraiser for Gleaners. As of this afternoon, we are quickly nearing $17,000. It’s really amazing! Thank you to everyone who has donated, played catch with me, and shared my fundraiser with others! I’m overwhelmed with the generosity of so many who helped to shatter my original goal of $15,420. 

I think it’s time to increase the goal to $20,000. Let’s keep it going! 

If you feel moved to share a financial donation for my Gleaners fundraiser, use the link below. 


Get outside. Play catch. Find something that brings joy and a smile to your face. 

Thank you for supporting Gleaners and following my 30 days of catch!