30 Days of Catch: Day 18 with Josh Estes

by | Aug 19, 2023 | 30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger, Pastor's Blog

We had to make a quick stop at the donut shop before making our way to the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Luke and I were off on a special trip to celebrate his 4th birthday and meet up with my friend Josh Estes who works at the Museum. We quickly found Josh in the lobby area wearing a vintage baseball cap. I forgot to share that Josh not only works at the Children’s Museum but is also a vintage base ball player. He has played for 3 years now for the White River Base Ball Club, which is a group of historians that recreate, educate, and play historic base ball in Indiana of the 1860s-1890s. 

When we arrived at Wiese Field, which is the ballpark in the Riley Sports Legends Experience, Josh pulled out the baseball we would use for today’s game of catch. This was a new one! We played a game of catch with a lemon peel style baseball used in the 1850’s and 60’s. Again, Josh is a vintage base ball player, so it makes sense. The other thing is you don’t wear gloves. Players back then didn’t wear gloves, so neither did we. Josh taught me the basics of catching with two hands and allowing the ball to move back with your hands taking the brunt of the energy instead of the glove. I think we did pretty well, although my hands did sting a little when we started throwing farther apart. 

I have known Josh for several years now from a previous church I served. He has worked at the Children’s Museum for 20 years and enjoys his work. It’s really cool to walk around the museum and tell my boys in certain exhibits, “See that guy on the TV or in that picture in the exhibit, that’s my friend Josh.” He’s a great guy! I always love his spirit, humor, and friendliness. 

Josh grew up in southern Indiana. I guessed that he was another one of those Reds fans, but he’s not. He said the only teams on TV growing up were the Braves on TBS and a team that played on WGN. You can guess it! The Chicago Cubs. He grew up following and continues to cheer for the Cubbies! 

I hope to catch Josh and his White River Base Ball Club in the near future! It would be great to catch a game and maybe one of those vintage base balls too. I’m really thankful for Josh taking time out of his day at the Children’s Museum to play a game of vintage catch. He told a few of the other staff people, “Hey, we’re going to raise $20,000! Wanna watch?” There’s something really special about doing something so simple to raise funds for a great cause. 

Special thanks to Josh for being a part of this fundraiser and to the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis for letting us use the field and for educating and inspiring youth across Indiana, the Midwest, and beyond! 

A quick update on the financial fundraiser for Gleaners. As of this afternoon, we are at $17,184. Thank you to everyone who has donated, played catch with me, and shared my fundraiser with others! I’m overwhelmed with the generosity of so many who helped to shatter my original goal of $15,420. 

It’s official! My new goal is $20,000. Let’s keep it going! 

If you feel moved to share a financial donation for my Gleaners fundraiser, use the link below. 


Also, don’t forget to invite family and friends to join me for my Final Day of Catch Party behind the main church building near the playgrounds on Thursday, August 31st from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. We will welcome Rowdie, the awesome mascot from the Indianapolis Indians, and will give out free popsicles. Join us for the celebration! 

Here is the event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1226246214719825/?ref=newsfeed

Get outside. Play catch. Find something that brings joy and a smile to your face. 

Thank you for supporting Gleaners and following my 30 days of catch!