30 Days of Catch: Day 3 with Officer Jerome Harrison

by | Aug 3, 2023 | 30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger, Pastor's Blog

This is Day 3 of my 30 days of catch. Before the temperatures rose too high at the Indiana State Fair, I met my friend Officer Jerome Harrison of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department for a game of catch. I first met Ofc. Harrison on a ride along with IMPD earlier this year. I had the chance to watch him work serving our community with care and compassion. Since that initial meeting during my ride along, we have enjoyed staying in touch. 

This was Ofc. Harrison’s first game of catch! He had never worn a glove or played baseball before. I was glad to share in this history making game of catch. Jerome grew up right here in Indianapolis as a basketball fan, especially the Pacers with Reggie Miller, and a Colts football fan. I asked if he had a favorite baseball team and he went with his local team, the Indianapolis Indians, Triple-A affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates. I told Ofc. Harrison that I was really impressed with his baseball playing skills, especially since this was his first-time playing catch. 

Ofc. Harrison also goes by Pastor Harrison. He serves Bread of Life Born Again Church on 32nd Street. During our catch he shared about a recent sermon he offered on the Good Samaritan story. Under the shade of a large tree on the State Fairgrounds, we tossed the ball back and forth catching up on sports, family, and ministry. After our game of catch, Ofc. Harrison signed my baseball, which was also a first for him. I’m asking every catch partner to sign a ball for each week of my 30-day journey. 

As we parted ways, he went off to serve the community around the State Fair and our family went on to check out the sights, sounds, and eats of the fair. It was such a joy to begin the day with a little play. We both had smiles on our face as we played that would last the rest of the day. 

Special thanks to Ofc. Harrison for not only playing catch with me for a great cause, but also for serving our community. Thank you to all the officers of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and all those who serve our community day in and day out with care and diligence. 

I’ll be sharing some stories on this blog throughout the month of August. If you feel moved to share a financial donation for my Gleaners fundraiser, use the link below. 


Get outside. Play catch. Find something that brings joy and a smile to your face. 

Thank you for supporting Gleaners and following my 30 days of catch!