30 Days of Catch: Day 8 with City-County Councilor Ethan Evans

by | Aug 9, 2023 | 30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger, Pastor's Blog

It’s hard to believe I’m already into my second week of 30 days of catch. It’s been so much fun meeting people to play catch! Today’s catch partner was Ethan Evans who is an Instructional Assistant at Lawrence Central High School and City-County Councilor of District 4 here in Indianapolis. 

Ethan has served on Council since 2020 and will be ending his term at the end of this year. As we tossed the ball back and forth near the church, he shared how he got into public service. It all began with his desire to serve those in need. Ethan became involved in social justice issues in the city and even spoke at a City-County Council meeting before he decided to run. He wanted to change things in our city in a positive way. 

Even though his time on Council will end at the end of the year, Ethan knows that there is still work to do for the city including the budget conversation that will begin soon. Ethan was born and raised here in Indianapolis, so he certainly cares about the future of the city and its people, which has been the driving force behind his public service. 

I had to ask about his sports interests, of course. Growing up playing basketball and even football after college, Ethan grew up as a fellow Cubs fan. When he moved to San Francisco for school he started cheering for the local Giants. He said that he moved to California the year after the Giants won the World Series, so it was easy to join the city in cheering for them. 

Even though we had to battle dark clouds overhead and the looming possibility of rain, we still enjoyed our time playing catch after a long day at school for Ethan and after several meetings for me and before a very long evening meeting. There’s something really good about breaking up the day for a few minutes of play, time outside, talking to someone, and getting to know them a little better. 

I’ll be sharing some stories on this blog throughout the month of August. I hope you are enjoying following my journey of 30 days of catch! 

A quick update on the financial fundraiser for Gleaners. As of this afternoon, we are over $14,000. My goal is $15,420. We’re almost there! 

If you feel moved to share a financial donation for my Gleaners fundraiser, use the link below. 


Get outside. Play catch. Find something that brings joy and a smile to your face. 

Thank you for supporting Gleaners and following my 30 days of catch!