Castleton UMC Blog

Spiritual Reflection and Growth

30 Days of Catch: Day 5 with Pastor Jim and Jamie Clark

30 Days of Catch: Day 5 with Pastor Jim and Jamie Clark

Go Irish! Today was fully a family affair as my boys and I had the chance to play with Pastor Jim Clark of Grace United Methodist Church of South Bend and his daughter Jamie Clark, who is a former youth pastor and now Program Coordinator at the Boys and Girls Clubs of...

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30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger

30 Days of Catch to Strikeout Hunger

During the month of August, I will be playing catch with one person per day as a fundraiser to support the Gleaners CARE Mobile Pantry Program. My goals are simple. I want to raise funds to offset the costs of our neighborhood distribution while building community and relationships through playing catch.

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Enjoy Each Other and Laugh Often

Enjoy Each Other and Laugh Often

I have been noticing lately how there is a lot of conversation in the hallways of Castleton UMC along with a lot of laughter. This is true on Sunday mornings, but it’s also true during the week. Our staff spends a lot of time together. We enjoy each other’s company. We discuss, we work, and we laugh often. 

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