Missions at Castleton UMC

Making life better for our neighbors and world

Local Partners

Global Partners

Prayer Vigil at Lake Castleton Apartments

The church is at its best when it’s meeting the needs of the people around it.

Here at Castleton UMC, we prioritize meeting the real needs of our neighbors and the world. Whether supporting local food pantries, working with community organizations, traveling to places like Guatemala, or simply holding prayer vigils, we believe Jesus calls us to make lives better by meeting people’s needs.

Our Local Partners

Crestview Elementary School

Crestview Elementary School

Crestview Elementary School of Communication get hands-on experience in broadcasting in the state-of-the-art digital television studio.

The Cupboard of Lawrence Township

The Cupboard of Lawrence Township

Community Cupboard of Lawrence is a food pantry that serves Lawrence Township residents in need of assistance.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. They envision a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, Inc

Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, Inc

Since 1980, Gleaners Food Bank has developed programs and formed partnerships designed to lead the fight against hunger in central Indiana.

Faith in Indiana Logo

Faith in Indiana

Faith in Indiana is a vehicle for faith communities and people of good will to work together for racial and economic equity in Indiana.

Family Promise

Family Promise

Family Promise works to Transform the lives of families experiencing homelessness. Because every child deserves a home.

Skiles Test Elementary School

Skiles Test Elementary School

At Skiles Test Elementary School, students receive a well-rounded education with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math.

MSD of Lawrence Township

MSD of Lawrence Township

Serving over 16,000 students in 21 buildings, Lawrence is a residential suburban community of 95,000+ and home to Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park and Geist Reservoir. With families from widely diverse cultural, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds, the Lawrence community values and embraces diversity as one of its greatest strengths.

Indiana Immunization Coalition Logo

Indiana Immunization Coalition

Since the beginning, IIC has served as an advocate for Indiana families, health care providers, and local & state health departments striving to increase vaccination rates in Indiana. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration with public and private groups, IIC is on the front lines of reducing vaccine-preventable diseases in Indiana.

Harrison Hill Elementary School

Harrison Hill Elementary School

Harrison Hill School of Inquiry and Performing Arts engages students in real-life projects that enhance their understanding of academic standards by applying these skills to real world contexts. Students are taught how to communicate their knowledge through artistic expression. Opportunities include: band, orchestra, dance, drama, art, and choir.

Our Global Partners

Mission Guatemala Logo

Mission Guatemala

Mission Guatemala help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served Guatemalan people through health, education, and nutrition initiatives and meaningful missionary service.

United Methodist Committee on Relief - UMCOR

United Methodist Committee on Relief - UMCOR

As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief – UMCOR – assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need.

Contact our Missions Team

Want to know more about missions at Castleton, where to volunteer, or how to become a local or global partner? Complete the form below! 

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