Do We Need Another Saint Francis?

Do We Need Another Saint Francis?

I was first introduced to Francis of Assisi when I was in college. The university reflected the life and person of Francis not just in name, but in spirit. It was during my time at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne that I connected with his spirit of love...
Unadulterated Joy

Unadulterated Joy

I was driving down Shadeland the other day and noticed something quite peculiar, but probably not rare. I was stopped at a stoplight and noticed something sticking its head out of a car’s sunroof. As it got closer, the most joyful creature on earth at that...
Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

I have had many meetings in the conference room in the Ministries Center. As my gaze may have wandered ever so slightly during some meetings, I noticed the view to the west. I noticed how much the Armstrong Education Building on our church campus looks like the...
Listening is an Act of Love

Listening is an Act of Love

“Listening is an act of love,” wrote David Isay, who is the founder of the project called StoryCorps. In a nation, and even a city, that feels so divided, listening can become an act of love. Responding to Issues and Injustice Since moving back to Indianapolis, I am...
See The Good

See The Good

There is a lot of negative news in the world today. It’s true nationally and even locally. You can’t turn on the television or listen to the radio without the negative rhetoric that makes you feel like there is no hope. It would make us believe that there is little to...