Holy Week: Be Still and Know

Holy Week: Be Still and Know

“Be still and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:1 Every season seems to be rushed. Whether we’re talking about Christmas, preparing for Easter celebrations, or any other season that comes about, it’s easy to feel bombarded with things to do and accomplish. It’s true that...
We’re All on the Welcoming Committee

We’re All on the Welcoming Committee

Some congregations have a Welcome Committee or a Hospitality Team or something similar. There’s certainly nothing wrong with a team like this, but, as I have been sharing over the last several weeks, we’re all on the welcoming team. We all play a part in...
Opening Prayer for Indiana State Senate Session

Opening Prayer for Indiana State Senate Session

On March 21, 2023, Pastor Matt Landry had the opportunity to open the day’s legislative session at the Indiana Statehouse with prayer. He shared the following prayer: I would like to say to our Muslim brothers and sisters a blessed Ramadan since that begins this...
Advocating for Mental Health Funding in Indiana

Advocating for Mental Health Funding in Indiana

I was standing in our church parking in downtown South Bend. It had been a long day, yet there I was with several police officers and EMTs. We were with a man who had been in our soup kitchen just hours before and was suffering from a mental health crisis in our...
Praying for Peace

Praying for Peace

It can be hard to know how to respond to the continual news of violence in our community. It seems like every time I watch our local Indianapolis news I hear of another shooting. Since I have been pastor of Castleton, I have held three prayer vigils in our community...
Pray Everywhere

Pray Everywhere

As people of faith, it’s important to pray anytime and everywhere. I recently had experiences that reminded how important it is. Whether we’re in church or out in public, we can pause for prayer. I recently found myself praying in two very different places. ...