An Advent Focus

An Advent Focus

Christmas is coming soon! Are you ready to celebrate? Hold on now! Advent comes first. It’s an overlooked season, but an important one. We not only prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, but we prepare for his coming again. The word Advent comes from a word that...
Give Thanks

Give Thanks

What are you thankful for? It’s a good question to ask this time of year. We ask this at church, maybe around meal tables at Thanksgiving, and within our families. It’s good to take time to celebrate together and give thanks. Gratitude is not something I express all...
All Saints Day

All Saints Day

Every year on November 1, the Christian world takes time to remember and celebrate our saints. We refer to saints as those who lived and died in the faith of Jesus Christ. Much of culture celebrates Halloween, or All Hallows’ (saints) Eve, with little to no reference...
Spiritual Discipline of Breathing

Spiritual Discipline of Breathing

There’s something about the quiet that gives you the freedom and the ability to hear so much more. On my most recent day retreat back at Saint Gregory’s Abbey in Three Rivers, Michigan, I was reminded of the power of silence. From the moment I stepped onto the sacred...
Praying for Our City

Praying for Our City

During my first month serving in South Bend, I was invited to offer the invocation at the monthly City Council meeting. I was honored to do so, but I’ll be honest that I wrestled with what to pray for. It wasn’t that I didn’t know what to say, but how to narrow it...
Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck

Have you driven on I-69 recently? If you have, you have likely felt stuck. I know I have. You get onto the highway and immediately you get stuck. The red lights are everywhere and you find yourself in a parking lot called I-69. It becomes quite the challenge to get...