Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This is the mission statement of our church. It sounds ambitious. It seems daunting. Exactly how are we supposed to do this?
2024 at CUMC has been our year of Becoming. This final quarter of the year we’re going to focus on Becoming a more missionally engaged people. Together (in Sunday services and Table Groups) we’re going to go through a fun little book titled Surprise The World by Michael Frost that will teach us some simple yet essential habits of how to BE in the world, BEING salt and light in relatively easy and natural ways. Specifically, we will be invited to adopt the habits of BELLS–Bless, Eat, Listen, Learn, Sent.
Download Weekly Study Guides
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Find a Table Group at Castleton.
Each week, groups across the church meet in homes, at church, at restaurants, and online to grow together in their discipleship journey.
Parts of the year, these groups will all be working through the same material, in line with our worship services. Other times, groups select their own material for conversation and study.
We invite you to stop by any of the following groups anytime.
Sunday Table Groups
Christian Crusaders – 10am in Room 112: This group comprises our “senior saints” and is mixed/co-ed.
Koinonia – 10am in Rm 180: This group is mixed/co-ed and composed of mostly retired folks.
Care, Share, & Reflect – 10am in Rm 110: This group is mixed/co-ed and composed of mostly retired folks.
Kingdom Conversations – 10am in Fellowship Hall: This group is mixed/co-ed and composed of a range of folks from mid-thirties to retired.
Monday Table Groups
Blind Owl Group – 7pm at Blind Owl Brewery: This is a mixed/co-ed group composed of a wide range of ages from early-thirties to retired.
Tuesday Table Groups
Cafe Connect – 7:30am at Panera: This group is mixed/co-ed and composed of a mixture of retired and still-working folks.
First Place for Health – 6:30pm in the Library: This group is mixed/co-ed and composed of a wide range of ages.
Wednesday Table Groups
Sisters in Faith – 8am in Conference Room: As the name suggests, this group is an all-ladies group composed of mostly retired ladies.
Lunch Bunch – 12pm in Legacy Room: This group is mixed/co-ed and composed of a range of folks from late-thirties to retired.
Contact our Director of Discipleship
Whether you have questions about discipleship or faith or would like more information about Table Groups and other opportunities, complete the form below, and Chris Croyts will get back to you shortly.